Classroom Cheating (vtipné free hry on-line)

Classroom Cheating - free hra on-line

Abyste mohli začít hrát, musíte nainstalovat další program: <a href="" target="_blank">Flash Player</a>

Classroom Cheating play information
Alex is not really good at school and usually get bad marks for the tests he is making. You need to help him improve his cheating skills by looking at the test the nerd is making. Be carefull that the teacher doesnt see you.

Classroom Cheating controls
Use the arrowkeys to move alex (blue dot) around the screen. Follow the ingame instructions and press (and hold) the spacebar to use your cheating abilities on your fellow class mates.

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 Článek Classroom cheating (online flash game)  v angličtině (ENG)...
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Classroom Cheating
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Classroom Cheating
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Classroom Cheating
Classroom Cheating

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